Distance Average Speed Max Speed 54.5 km 11.6 km/h 26.0 km/h Weather warmer, but with snow. Headed NW from Saija and then down to Hepokangas. After driving around I tried to get to the Laavu for lunch. As usual there was no trail leading to it and when I finally arrived by walking and leading the dogs along the edge of the river there was no wood. Fortunately I had brought some from Saija. I painfully cooked the frozen sausages
Author: Dad
2009 Trip – Day 5
Distance Average Speed Max Speed 67.4 km 13.1 km/h 36.9 km/h Left Jänisvaara at about 1030 and decided to take Northern route towards Saija. I followed the snow mobile trail and had lunch at Harjajärvi. Pressed on along the ridge by Kylmäluomajärvi and after several false turns found myself at Ahveninen. One interesting trail looked very promising until it passed a reindeer pen whereupon I decided to turn back. Several other turnings looked interesting but I had already had a
2009 Trip – Day 4
Distance Average Speed Max Speed 45.1 km 12.4 km/h 26.1 km/h Woke at 0630 to find hut still quite cold. Clearly, I haven’t got the hang of the fire yet. I managed to get away by about 1100. I met a group of snow mobiles and on re-starting nearly lost the team. I also found my way to a lake last visited many years ago. I arrived a Jänisvaara at about 1440. The fire was already alight (presumably Sonja had
2009 Trip – Day 3
Distance Average Speed Max Speed 25.5 km 13.7 km/h 29.3 km/h Morning entirely spent fixing bag, loading sled and buying replacement thermals. I went with Sonja to Taivalkoski where I paid €20 into the SIM card and got some new thermals. I also visited a weird shop/museum and stopped for a brief cup of tea. I finally set off after lunch. Storm was again reluctant to start and barked for many km. I arrived at Kÿlkeinen at dusk. The hut
2009 Trip – Day 2
Distance Average Speed Max Speed 44.2 km 14.3 km/h 29.3 km/h This year’s team is: Storm Paz Homerun Bowie Sven Gunner Still no sign of missing bag, but the lantern has been found. After the usual fuss to find things to take I left at about 1200. Sonya and Lotta asked if they could come along too and they agreed that I should lead. Visited Tilsa and Kÿlkeinen. Sadly, at Tilsa on of Lotta’s dogs chewed my GPS case. That
2009 Trip – Day 1
Uneventful flights from Tallinn, but security unhappy with my bag again. At Oulu bus station, hundreds of students were trying to catch buses to Ruka. Apparently I had clashed with some species of holiday. I finally got onto the 3rd and last bus which left 45 minutes late. I tried to phone Timo: Good news, SIM card still active, but bad news, he can hear me but I can’t hear him. I discovered that text messages still worked OK. At
2008 Trip – Day 1
Distance Average Speed Max Speed 32.7 km 9.6 km/h 25.6 km/h Uneventful trip on Ferry. Long wait at Helsinki railway station. Thought had compartment to self, but slightly drunk Finnish dock worker appeared just after train had started. Got some sleep, but train seemed to have square wheels. Got sled sorted out quite quickly and after helping to get a couple of other groups off I left after lunch. Headed N and found Marco’s special route never driven before. Went
2007 Trip – Day 1
Ick, uck! Sleepless (almost) night on the train arriving hungry and thirsty at 0605. Unfortunately, bus station doesn’t open until 0700. A kind Finn directed me to a very small kiosk, but they could only sell me a fizzy drink and a Mars bar which made my teeth hurt. I took refuge in the railway station waiting room and was the first customer at the bus station. A grumpy lady sold me a Jurmu ticket together with a tea and