A frightened crow is afraid even of a bush. (Eng. Once bitten, twice shy). or, an alternative: He who burns himself on milk will start to blow on water. In summary, negative experience will make you overly cautious.
Author: Mum
Иван Андреевич Крылов
Советские экранизации английской литературы
Мы все очень любили читать английских авторов и обожали их экранизации, в том числе и советские. Сейчас они смотрятся наивно, но мы их все равно любим.
True or False?
Which year?
Historical Sequence 2
Historical Sequence
History Dates Quiz
Russian Proverb of the Day 6
Without hard work, you can’t even pull a fish from a pond. (Eng. “No pain, no gain.”)
Russian Riddle of the Day 4
Readers with exceptional memory will be on the edge of their seats to know the answer to the last Russian Riddle of the Day from 2018. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: The Onion! As for this year’s first (hopefully not only) riddle, try your hand at this: A blushing young beauty sits in a dungeon with only her plait visible. Clue: those thinking Rapunzel have got the wrong idea: it is something much more down to earth 😉