What Chekhov said

Нет того урода, который не нашел бы себе пары, и нет той чепухи, которая не нашла бы себе подходящего читателя. There is no such freak that would not find his match and there is no such rot that would not find itself a matching reader.


Nowadays, everything is very spicy. It is practically obligatory to like everything chilli, cajun, everything hot, VERY HOT etc. On some days, the menu in our daughter’s school canteen looks something like this: chilli con carne pepperoni pizza spicy lentil veggi chilli I was once served a fish soup containing, by my modest evaluation, the entire content of the pepper mill. Makes one think about those Olden Days when spices were allegedly used to hide the taste of food that

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Russian Proverb and Riddle of the Day 1

When a Russian Mum tries hard to teach her English family something about the Russian psyche, it often comes to trying painstakingly to render Russian sayings, proverbs, film quotes etc. into English. It is never enough just to translate it, though, because they never make sense just like that. Look for yourself: Here is a riddle: What has two ends, two rings and a nail in the middle? (The correct answer will follow in due course.) and here is a

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Snore Amplifier

I am sure, I am not the only one who, having woken up in the middle of the night for some internal or external reason, was unable to go back to sleep because of that well too familiar roaring sound coming from the nearby pillow. Sounds familiar? Then what you need is the anti-snore device called Snore Amplifier. Attach your mic to a pair of little headphones and the next time your other half starts to snore simply bring the

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