Replacing the front top mounts on the Fiesta

Another year and another MOT for my old Fiesta. As usual, it failed and this time the problem was the front offside top mount which was apparently badly worn. I also got an advisory for the other three together with both front springs. With the weather being cold I decided to buy the parts for both sides of the front suspension but only fit the failed offside for now. Since I would have to remove the springs in order to

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Blasted Golf door lock

It is often assumed, by those who don’t engage in car maintenance, that fixing the engine must be the most difficult task. However, in my experience the areas which give the greatest difficulty are either parts of the suspension which – being exposed to the road – become badly rusted or, worse of all, doors! The people who design engines organise for the thing to be held together with a sensible sequence of bolts which can be clearly seen and

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Английские эвфемизмы

Как известно, англичане стесняются рубить правду-матку, и их язык изобилует эвфемизмами. Скетч про мертвого попугая из “Монти Пайтон” дает великолепную подборку эвфемизмов про смерть. Но это далеко не единственная тема, которую неловко обсуждать в приличном обществе.