The second hidden data challenge again related to an image, in this case the Scottish flag below: In addition to adding data to a file via known metadata, it is also possible to hide information (particularly text) inside a file in a none-obvious way. This is often done by lying about details of file size. So, for example, a file format may start with a number which means “The actual image starts at X bytes in and all the stuff
Author: Dad
Hidden Data – Challenge 1
In this challenge we were presented with the photograph below: The question was “Where did the cat go on holiday?” In this simple challenge all that was needed was to know that digital photographs contain meta-data in a format called EXIF (Exchangeable image file format). Metadata is “data about data” and in this case is additional information about the image. Exactly what information is included depends on the camera used, but things like exposure and whether the flash was fired
Some notes on Thursday’s training session
On Thursday evening we experimented with using SQL injection to attack the deliberately vulnerable Damn Vulnerable Web App running on a Raspberry Pi. The web app can be found here: The instructions we followed can be found here: Unfortunately, the final stage of brute forcing the recovered password hashes failed because of problems with the John the Ripper application installed on the Pi. Subsequently running it on the server resulted in the following successful output after less than
Some useful Youtube videos for CyberFirst
Ladies, I recommend watching these Youtube videos: Topic 1: SQL Injection How SQL injections basically work – Running an SQL injection – Topic 2: Cross Site Scripting Introduction to Cross Site Scripting – Topic 3: Passwords: Hashing – How to crack them – How to choose good ones – Basically, nearly all Computerphile videos are excellent.
2017 Trip – Day 8
Distance Average Speed Max Speed 13,2 km 13.5 km/h 25.7 km/h Just time for a short run before going for the bus. Managed to leave by about 0945 and headed N up old Marco route to forest road, then back to main trail and S via Finn-Jann laavu. Dogs seemed a bit reluctant, particularly Max who kept stopping and trying to turn back and I didn’t take Selimo as she had not been running too well yesterday. I think they
2017 Trip – Day 7
Distance Average Speed Max Speed 42.2 km 12.4 km/h 25.4 km/h The day started early when I was woken at 0400 by strange noises coming from the veranda. I tried to solve this problem by hiding inside my sleeping bag, but when this didn’t work I was forced to get up and investigate. It seemed unlikely that it was a wild animal as the dogs would have been going wild and indeed it turned out to be the very un-wild
2017 Trip – Day 6
Distance Average Speed Max Speed 43.4 km 12.4 km/h 25.7 km/h Noticed strange object on trail leading from hut where it passes in front of sauna. Turned out to be a wooly hat presumably dropped by a guest as they were starting. Hung it up in hut and sent text to inform guides. After starting got a reply asking if I could take it with me, so collected it at lunchtime. Dogs definitely a bit tired after two very long
2017 Trip – Day 5
Distance Average Speed Max Speed 65.2 km 13.9 km/h 29.4 km/h Slept in a little later and managed to get away from Saija by 1030. Headed N to Kylmaluomajarvi. Met Saija guide from yesterday at snowmobile trail junction at W end of lake. Followed trail as far E as the edge of the map before returning to kota for lunch. Direct route from trail to kota not open down steep slope so had to continue to adjacent laavu and then
2017 Trip – Day 4
Distance Average Speed Max Speed 61.8 km 14.1 km/h 31.0 km/h A very long run from Jänisvaara to Saija partly due to wrong turnings. Weather excellent with clear skies and trees very picturesque with frost on them. Started OK on snowmobile trail and followed ski track S from power lines towards Hella and then on to army road. Got confused by trail near bottom of army road and turned back N. Eventually, after another couple of wrong turnings ended up
2017 Trip – Day 3
Distance Average Speed Max Speed 22.4 km 15.5 km/h 31.4 km/h Spent entire morning preparing kit, waiting for bag and then packing stuff from bag. Timo provided new sled with significantly larger sled bag (as it turned out this was essential). Lunch and food supplied in two huge bags was far too much, but could be cut down by discarding less vital stuff and some judicious decanting. Helped a couple of groups to depart and bag arrived just as the