Staffordshire 2024 – Day 4

A day in Congleton.

Our first problem was the the local council has introduced those Pay-and-Display machines which demand your vehicle registration number. Dad has a strong moral objection to such things on the basis that they only exist to stop people passing on partly used tickets and that this is extremely mean!

We therefore had to find somewhere free to park and ended up on a street near to Congleton Park. We were most impressed by the formal municipal flower beds and also spent some time in the “Bee Garden”.

Returning after lunch Dad grudgingly parked in a car park which we free after 3pm and therefore only had to pay 60p for the first hour. We then visited a number of charity shops and also the town museum. The latter was modest but well presented with its main exhibits being a collection of coin hoards dating from pre-Roman right through to the 16th century. It was also free, but we purchased a small book on the local silk trade.